La Sognatrice - that's me!

Hello everybody – welcome to my blog. I love visitors and if I could, I would offer you a cup of coffee. My home is always open, sacred that’s for sure, but always open. – Just like my mind J (perhaps that explains all the thoughts buzzing around)

Who am I?
A woman from summer of 1975.
A gentle and warm girl, smiling, happy and satisfied - and yes, I am Happy.

Not that life can’t be rough, and not that I don’t feel like hell from time to time. Cause I do. And I have been through some things in life I wish I wasn't!! But I choose to be positive, and make the best of everything - and I have learned to pick my battles wisely...

Along the way I learned to focus on the beauty in my life, which gives me the comfort to enjoy life.

My head is full of thoughts and my stomach full of feelings.

I love to write - it releases the pressure!

I’m a very sensitive person 

Always compassionate.

Guess that’s what keeps me living – with a capital L!